Attention Landlords And Strata Managers…
Does Your Building Have Multiple Tenants?
If you answered “Yes” then you have the opportunity to generate additional income without lifting a finger.
We Help Landlords, Building Owners and Stratas Enjoy Passive Income
Are you a landlord or strata of an apartment block, housing estate, retirement home facility, commercial multi-tenanted building or industrial estate?
At Sustainable Savings, we have a unique approach for buildings with multiple tenants. As a team of sustainability engineers, we look to rent roof space to create utility efficiencies.
Looking after everything from project inception to completion as well as post-installation support, we turn your roof into a resource with all install costs and maintenance costs funded.
The result?
- You get an extra annual income stream at no cost.
- Tenants enjoy lower electricity costs year after year.

How Does “Rent Your Roof” Work?
Solar panels installed on your roof generate energy that is sold to tenants at a discount rate to the grid for up to 15 years.*
As the roof owner, you receive a cut of this income as a fee for renting out your roof.
- Landlords enjoy an annual income stream
- Tenants enjoy lower energy prices (for years)
we allocate some of the savings to fund the equipment and installation process at absolutely no cost.
Interested in learning more about a passive income stream and a lower power price for your tenants?
To find out more use the contact form below and one of our “Rent Your Roof” experts will be in touch for obligation-free advice and support.
* Conditions apply

Sustainable Solutions For Roof Properties

How It Works